Open positions

Two PhD positions are available at the Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Bulgaria funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network LIMQUET. The duration of the positions is 36 months. Both projects will be conducted in close collaboration with the experimental groups in the LIMQUET network. The topics of the two PhD projects are respectively

The PhD projects are expected to start in the summer of 2018. The selected researchers will receive an employment contract that provides a monthly living allowance at EU levels, social security cover, a mobility and family allowance. The positions are open for young researchers with a MSc degree obtained in the last 4 years. Candidates from all countries in the world, who have not resided in Bulgaria more than 12 months in the last 36 months, are eligible to apply. The interested candidates should send a CV and a motivation letter to Prof. Nikolay V. Vitanov at

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